Find your perfect home
with Godfrey Living
Finding a perfect property for rent doesn’t simply appeal to tenants who may be looking to get onto the property ladder, but it also offers great flexibility for those downsizing or moving into a new area.
Finances are in order
Sufficient budget
Finding the right property
Tenancy agreement
Repairs & maintenance
Ensuring your financial status is in a good condition before applying for a rental property is an imperative first step as it will ultimately determine whether you are able to be considered as a potential tenant or can afford the rental you will need to pay moving forward.
There will be demands on you to pay things such as a deposit as well as a refundable holding deposit which will also be collected up front. You may then also need to consider large things such furniture and white goods once you move in. So bear in mind that you will need sufficient budget to pay for this.
This can be a life changing decision, so don’t rush things, make a list of the most important factors in a property so you are clear what criteria is very important vs criteria you are happy to compromise on. Check out the properties at different times of day and make sure you are not afraid to ask questions throughout the process.
Getting a good tenancy agreement in place is an essential part of a landlords obligations and will look to protect all parties involved from the off-set. The agreement should look to outline the obligations and rights for the duration of the tenancy.
Ensure that you keep on top of anything that needs repairing or you feel is not up to the standard it should be and it is always a good idea that you insist on ongoing spot checks of the property are important to ensure the best living conditions are as good as they can be.
Finances are in order
Sufficient budget
Finding the right property
Tenancy agreement
Repairs & maintenance
A very good friendly service, and always followed up with prompt action! who could ask for more?
Muriel S – Brighton
We are here to assist you with all aspects of renting a new home. Here are some of our top tips for prospective tenants:
Once you have a real handle on your current financial situation, we can work then with you to look into the most appropriate rental properties on the market. This will give you a much better idea on the monetary implications of moving forward with your property.
One of our experienced team are ready and happy to help discuss your property requirements, so please get in touch as we’d love to hear from you.